I feel a little stressed and over busy.
Had a great de-stresser today. Went to a quaint little manicure spa with Amy to finally use my gift certificate from my birthday in November. Very relaxing.
Did some shopping at H&M (I love that store, when I was in England I shopped there all the time!) according to the what not to wear book. Was money well spent and came away with some great pieces.
Big news! I have a new job! I'm so excited. It's a full time vocal music job, K-6. It's also closer to home which is great.
Have been marking, but am still behind. Have to get to it, report cards are due on June 9th! Also have to work on my French course inquiry, which is proving to be very time consuming. It's also hard to be motivated, when I know I won't be teaching French next year, and don't really need the course. But I was so close to finishing it and it will guarantee that I am more marketable for future teaching jobs. Music and French is a good combination.
Looking forward to my condo warming, but am concerned that more people have not responded. I really need to know numbers for the catering.
Am looking forward to the summer, but not as much as I thought I would be. I know this has to do with the fact that 5 months later, I still have dehabilitating pain and swelling due to my ankle injury. After doing some research on the net and talking to others who have had it done, I am going to talk to my Orthopedic Surgeon (have an appointment on June 12) about hardware removal. Hopefully after the pain and discomfort associated with the surgery itself has cleared up, the chronic pain will be gone.
Trying to eat more healthily, so am doing a lot more cooking. It's exciting to make food, but I need some more creative ideas!
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