Saturday, February 28, 2009

Running Log 28/02/09

Well I'm glad I did go for a run today, even if it wasn't as hard core as I've done in the past. I ran for 15 minutes, walked for 5 then tried to start running again to do another 15, but started to feel dizzy, so had to stop. I've been off running for 20 days, mainly because I had bronchitis then a sinus infection. It's been a real let down, because I feel like I have to start from scratch again. I ran a 13 minute and 30 second mile, so at least I've maintained my speed in the initial mile. In hindsight I should have done 5's and 1's or 10's and 1's but I wonder if I still would have gotten dizzy after 20 minutes. Anyway, I'll try again tomorrow.

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